Celebrating Technological Ingenuity in Architecture

I'm grateful for the opportunities to learn, grow, and contribute in the field of computational design. Along my journey have been countless individuals who’ve inspired me, bright with curiosity and imagination, passion and appetite to push the boundaries.

The Leland Jobson Prize recognizes undergraduate and graduate architecture students who have created a project demonstrating strong technological ingenuity, celebrating them with the hope that it emboldens them to continue on the path to computational design as well as inspiring others to do the same.

To attract the widest possible audience, entrance has been made as simple as possible and is free and open to all students enrolled in an accredited architecture program in the United States.

$3,333 (3 prizes of $1,111 per winner)
Submissions Due: 4/4/2024
Winner Announced: 5/5/2024
Jury: To be announced


  • Only the first 1000 applicants will be considered.

  • Find all details about the prize, submission and judging process within this document: Selection Process & Details.

To Submit:

Finalists / Winners

  • Finalists and winners will be represented on this page with links back to their work with positive commentary where applicable. We will reach out to all finalists and winners and provide them the opportunity to edit as well as opt out of this honor.